Tuesday, March 5, 2013


In class we had been talking about Robots in Japan, and this actually lasted about 2 and half weeks worth of information. Also, Yuki-sensei was ill at the time so we took a little extra time to learn about them.

We then had to come up with an idea about Robots that were useful and could potentially be useful to us in Japan.

I came up with the ポッケト友だち:じてんエーアボ, the Pocket Friend: Bike Pumpbot
It could come with one of 4 different styles and faces, and worked as a bicycle tire air pump, included some built in automatic bike tools, a manual button, a lock switch for the button and voice commands. It also danced and came with a laser projected interface to set it's options, digital planner, alarm clock, and other digital features. All while being small enough to fit between the spokes of a bike tire. It could also talk to you, walk, and dance.

I was trying to learn some terms for bicycles in Japanese as well in order to learn more and write some of the things related to it down.


However, I wasn't sure how accurate this was, but it seemed pretty accurate.

An Entry

I have not been doing well in class, I got sick the first week of classes and it took me a full two week to try and recover. I missed breathing at the time.

Then I just honestly well out of any study habit I had. I'm not going to make excuses, and I know I need to be a more tentative student. I've just been trying to at least go to class and for some reason thats really hard for me. I've also a little more self-aware than I was a few months ago, when I started to simply slip up in a couple classes, and that self awareness made me realize some of the problems I have with studying, and why my short term to long term memory is really hazy. I remember doing things, but not how I do them or where.

SO. THE BLOGS. I need to catch up and I need to get started somewhere. So I'm just going to start here. I have.... 7 blogs to catch up on now properly and I need to keep a schedule. So Mondays will be the days I write my blogs since it matches up with other times that I have to do more... responsible things and it'll seem to keep my attention.

STEP 1: Schedule
STEP 2: Work
STEP 3: Auto-maitence
STEP 4: Study
STEP 5: Sleep
STEP 6: Study

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Entry 1

Happy New Years~

My goal of this class is just to get a better understanding of the Japanese language and pass with a B or higher... I really this I need to surround myself with more productive people than myself, but I feel like, with the few people I actually talk to in class, I end up unfocusing them. When I talk to Japanese people I can't always understand and they can't always think of a way for me to understand either. I JUST WANT TO GO TO JAPAN.

Unfortunately after this semester, I have to stop being a student. I can't stay in school and Kent is going to cost me more money and stress than I can afford.

It really sucks right now, I had a sinus infection last week and it Evolved!
So yea... Bronchitis is stupid.

So... next week, when I hope AAAALL of this is gone, I gotta work my butt off. No movies, no games, no facebook.... I. NEED. TO. WORK.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


 1) 私はたくさん勉強ので、_______が日本語が上手になりました。
2) 授業の前に私のせいせきを______ます。
3) 私の______はけっして正しくありません。
4) 漢字の意味は漢字の使い方によって______ます。
5) ________になっても、泣きません。
7) われの________は百人のうち十人がやさいが大きらいと言うが言いました。
