Monday, October 1, 2012

Blog Entry 5

For this past week we studied some new adjectives for chapter 22, which include: うるさい、心配、びんぼう、ペらペら、変、らく(楽), and then were quizzed on them.

We also learned and reviewed ~ば what it means and compared it to たら.
〜ば is used as AばBです。If A then B. It follows more of a logical flow, without the use of opinions. Where たら is used more for opinions, and hypothetical phrases and questions. To make something in the 〜ば form, for verbs, you must remove the final vowel sound from a word in the dictionary form and add an エ sound. くbecomes け, then proceed to add 〜けば.  For い adjectives and anything in the negative (which must be short form) you replace the い with け, because the い becomes く, then follows the former rule dropping the ウ to become け. For な adjectives and nouns, take the dictionary form and add 〜であれば. たら means the same thing as 〜ば, but たら is for hypothetical situations, so its commonly used with になるand てする.

Then we learned のに, which I'm still not entirely clear on, and compared it to けど, and ので.
AのにB means Although A, B. For facts or events that have happened.
AけどB means A but B.
AのでB means B because A.

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